Frequently Asked Questions
This FAQ page serves as a comprehensive resource to address common inquiries from supporters, volunteers, and donors.
General FAQs
Do you offer site tours?
We believe strongly in transparency and being responsive to community needs. While we are dedicated to interacting with and educating the community about the realities of homelessness in Guelph-Wellington, we also prioritize protecting the privacy of those accessing our shelter spaces and services.
To balance these commitments, we do offer site tours under specific circumstances. These tours are designed to educate the community, humanize the experience of homelessness, and foster understanding and empathy. If you are interested in arranging a tour, please reach out to us, and we will be happy to discuss how we can accommodate your request while respecting the privacy and dignity of those accessing our spaces.
Don’t people who are homeless get a lot of money from the government?
Single individuals who are on Ontario Works and experiencing homelessness receive $343 every month for their basic needs - they do not receive the rental portion of their cheque without a fixed address. Single individuals who are on an Ontario Disability Support plan experiencing homelessness receive $786 every month for basic needs - they do not receive the rental portion of their cheque.
Don't some people choose to be homeless?
It's a common misconception that people choose to be homeless. The vast majority of people experiencing homelessness do so due to a complex interplay of factors beyond their control. These can include economic hardship, lack of affordable housing, mental health issues, substance abuse, and systemic issues like inadequate support for those exiting institutions like jail, hospital or foster care. Some people do choose to avoid using emergency shelters because of the rules, the potential for violence, theft and so on. When the range of choices is limited to an emergency shelter or making do elsewhere, it is difficult to call this "choosing to be on the streets."
Our work at Stepping Stone aims to address these underlying issues and provide comprehensive and individualized support to help individuals transition out of homelessness regardless if they choose to access shelter or not. Through our housing-focused approach, assertive outreach, and partnerships with landlords, we strive to create stable, supportive environments that give people the opportunity to move into stable housing.
Why are people allowed to use substances at your sites?
We operate from a harm reduction framework, which means we meet individuals where they are in an open and supportive way. This approach respects each person's recovery journey and provides them with the necessary support and resources along the continuum of substance use support. Allowing substance use on-site helps us build trust and maintain engagement with individuals who might otherwise be excluded from receiving the help they need.
We understand the importance of different environments for different needs, and our family shelters are currently dedicated as substance-free spaces to ensure a safe and supportive environment for families. Our goal is to offer comprehensive support that respects the diverse needs of all those we serve.
Shelter Program FAQs
How old do I have to be to have access to a shelter?
You must be 25 years or older to have access to one of our shelters.
Do I have to be from Guelph/Wellington to have access to one of Stepping Stones Shelters?
Your last known address must be in Guelph Wellington to qualify to use one of our shelters.
How can I get a unit at Grace Gardens?
Our permanent supportive housing project has a capacity of 32 units. We do not maintain a waitlist for this program, as we aim to remain responsive to the immediate needs of those experiencing chronic homelessness in our community. Instead, we notify our community partners when vacant units become available and only accept referrals from individuals on the By Name List. This approach ensures that those most in need have the opportunity to access housing and support as soon as possible. If you or someone you know is experiencing homelessness, we encourage you to connect with local outreach services to ensure you are on the By Name List and can be considered for future openings.
Is there a time limit for the amount of days someone can stay at your shelter?
Our shelter sites and all our programs are housing focused. Our hope is to assist all guests in moving through our programs to obtain housing placements. We do not have a maximum amount of nights that someone can access shelter but do ensure that all of our guests continue to work with staff to move towards their individualized housing and health goals.
Why do you specify that you are "Housing Focused" in your programs and shelters?
We believe in a strengths-based perspective, recognizing that everyone is deserving of a safe and affordable place to call home. A housing-focused approach connects individuals and families with permanent housing solutions and offers support services to ensure long-term stability. This strategy not only reduces the cycle of homelessness but also fosters independence, improves mental and physical health outcomes, and enhances overall quality of life. Shelters should not become de facto housing for vulnerable populations; instead, they should be a stepping stone to stable, permanent housing, empowering individuals to build brighter futures and become more integrated into the community.
Donor FAQs
I am a local business, how can I contribute?
If you are a local business and would like to contribute to a local non-profit we would absolutely love to partner with you! Please email fundraise@steppingstonegw.com to discuss more details about the opportunity to partner together.
Ways your business can contribute:
- Book a Free Presentation: Educate and empower your team to understand the depths of homelessness and ways, we as a community, can help. We can come to you!
- Host fundraising events with your staff like 50/50 draws, auctions, events, food or sock drives, etc.
- Allow your staff volunteer days.
- Make a donation as a business like donating food or items.
- In lieu of client gifts consider contributing to Stepping Stone in their name.
Where does my money go when I make a donation?
Our operational funding is provided by the County of Wellington, which ensures that our shelter doors remain open and our community and outreach workers can continue their essential work. When you make a donation, your money goes towards the “extras” that enhance our services and support the individuals and families we serve.
Donations help us run various programs at our sites, provide food support, and organize holiday gifts and celebrations. They also cover transportation costs, gas cards, utilities at the shelter sites we own, necessities such as laundry soap, toilet paper, bedding, towels, hygiene supplies and assist individuals and families with essential items needed to move into stable housing. Your contributions make a significant difference in the lives of those experiencing homelessness, helping them on their journey to stability and independence.
Can I direct my donation towards a certain service/program?
When donating financially with us you can specify if you want your donation to go to different campaigns we have listed and these may change based on our current and most pressing needs! Currently we accept donations directly for our "Grace Gardens" program as well as for our "Commercial Kitchen Reno". If you do not have a preference you can make a general donation and we can direct these funds to the area of most need.