Shelter Support for Individuals and Families Experiencing Homelessness
Our Shelter Support programs provide individuals and families experiencing homelessness with a shelter bed and access to basic needs such as meals, hygiene items, and showers.
Emergency Overnight Shelter
The Emergency Overnight Shelter, previously known as the Warming Centre, provides individuals experiencing homelessness an opportunity for a warm coffee, snacks, shower, and overnight shelter. The Emergency Overnight Shelter, located at 23 Gordon St., accommodates up to 35 people (all genders over the age of 25), on a first-come, first-served basis. The Overnight Emergency Shelter is open from 8:00 PM to 8:00 AM, seven nights a week.
This program is supported by our Diversion team, Housing Stability workers, and Housing Focused Outreach workers.

Housing Focused Shelter
The focus of the 24/7 Supportive Shelter is to help support individuals and families in their housing stability goals by providing access to basic needs such as food and shelter as well as connect them to health and community resources. Our support team – which includes Shelter Support and Housing Stability staff, are on-site 24/7 to support individuals and help them achieve their health and housing goals. There is also a Care Coordinator who liaises with community health partners to ensure participants receive equitable access to much needed healthcare. Participants in this program are supported through our Housing Café program which offers coaching and hands on support in looking for housing, attending viewings, connect with landlords and building skills to secure and maintain long-term housing. The goal of this program is to address underlying barriers to housing instability and assist them in moving onto permanent housing solutions.

Family Shelter
We currently have capacity to support 11 family units between 2 locations in Guelph Wellington!
These spaces provide green space for children to run around and communal kitchens for families to cook. We provide staff onsite to support their daily needs as well as connecting them with our Housing Stability Team to work towards securing permanent housing. This can include fostering relationships with trusted landlords, driving families to viewings, helping to register for schools and connecting them with local resources.

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